[Player Event ] Tournament of Shadows

** OOC **

Date / Time: 2nd June, from 21:00 to 00:00 GMT 2.


Elusive Forest (Below Grotto Pass)


- Teams of 4 against 4.

- The fights will be for a period of more or less 5 minutes depending on the number of participants. The victory of a round: 3 points to the winning team, 0 point for losing and 1 point for each team in case of ex aequo.

- A guild can come up with as many members as they wish, they can be replaced between fights. But people whithout guild and whishing to participate can build a team of people who are also without guild.

- The players which are part of a too small guild can participate with other people.

- Players with a different faction can not join.

- Weapons and armor will be at the discretion of the competitors, which implies that the range weapons and Maraudeur armor are accepted.

- The use of crystals sap is tolerated.

- The port tag is not required to be in a PvP zone.

- Depending on the number of participants, several battles will take place in parallel, and the order of rounds will allow as much as possible to provide rest time two teams fighting
also lags and client crashes will not be taken into account.


A prestigious title with a validity of six mounths for the first three teams will be given.


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