
Mjollren (atys)
Implementation needs to take care of players going off for extended periods of time, of course ...

I am all for implementing things that align games more to reality, but you mentioned it in the above quote, there need to be safeguards for players that do not play 24/7.
Maybe a breakdown of hours played by week (month even) and deduction of dapper accordingly.

Yet, I may also raise caution to the thought behind it of chars having "lots of dapper". I do not fame for money, only when I get down to 200k (20x roots porting), and even that I find tedious.
Bear in mind most players get lots of money from the professions (600k per profession/day I was told), but this is heavily depended on the fame, whereas missions give less money and often need specialised skills (e.g. level 230 in HA or so).
Call me lazy, but the last thing I want is constantly farming for fame/professions next to me limited time for playing.

If you want to implement taxes, than you need to implement a skilled based fame independent income stream along side it, e.g. a kind of skill-profession guild (not like the player guild) that you can align with for one of your chosen skills, e.g. jewel craft. Then you will have a hidden daily task/mission of crafting lets say 6 jewels a day, and if you do you get a dapper bonus equalling the tax or just minimal above.
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