I somehow (but not fully!) agree with Icus in this matter (never thought I would ever say this, hehe).
One main problem is that the cities of our Nations cannot communicate well with each other between national Assemblies. So whenever an urgent event happens no Nation can politically react in unity timely; as the next national Assembly might be Atysyears later on and the representatives of the Nations do not know how (or will even refuse) to communicate...
Another major problem: there are much more national topics then regional. So at nearly each regional Assembly a lot of national topics are discussed. But votings about national decisions can/should only be executed at national Assemblies, and only the representatives attending this one rare Assembly can take part in these important decisions.
Both problems do in fact call for National Assemblies held more often.
Which does not mean having NO regional Assemblies any-more though!
Or/and there should be additionally more ways of communication between the cities and to cast national votes; maybe by using the forums aka "notice boards". Unfortunately I know that a lot of German-speaking roleplayers dislike using the forums speaking IC there though, and it seems to be the same with many English-speaking roleplayers and also some French (at least when having to communitcate in English)...
Icus might be well informed enough - at least by what I have let on in the thread of the minutes of Hoi-Cho. Yes: at the German Assemblies only the audience is always numerous nowadays. However there are in fact only very few active "representatives" actually "working" for each city. Not without reasons I dare to say. And there is a high probability that only a few of those representatives can manage to make time in her/his real life to be present on exactly that one rare date and time of day for the national Assembly.
If there were more national Assemblies the regional representatives would at least have more chances to attend; and to take part in decisions made for their whole Nation. All in all that might re-motivate them too. However only if translators will do a good job (!) on the other hand, and only if all representatives are treating each other as colleagues on equal terms - which roleplay-logic would demand. The Event Team is the one authority who should take care of that. In this case everything should go fine enough.
One main problem is that the cities of our Nations cannot communicate well with each other between national Assemblies. So whenever an urgent event happens no Nation can politically react in unity timely; as the next national Assembly might be Atysyears later on and the representatives of the Nations do not know how (or will even refuse) to communicate...
Another major problem: there are much more national topics then regional. So at nearly each regional Assembly a lot of national topics are discussed. But votings about national decisions can/should only be executed at national Assemblies, and only the representatives attending this one rare Assembly can take part in these important decisions.
Both problems do in fact call for National Assemblies held more often.
Which does not mean having NO regional Assemblies any-more though!
Or/and there should be additionally more ways of communication between the cities and to cast national votes; maybe by using the forums aka "notice boards". Unfortunately I know that a lot of German-speaking roleplayers dislike using the forums speaking IC there though, and it seems to be the same with many English-speaking roleplayers and also some French (at least when having to communitcate in English)...
Icus might be well informed enough - at least by what I have let on in the thread of the minutes of Hoi-Cho. Yes: at the German Assemblies only the audience is always numerous nowadays. However there are in fact only very few active "representatives" actually "working" for each city. Not without reasons I dare to say. And there is a high probability that only a few of those representatives can manage to make time in her/his real life to be present on exactly that one rare date and time of day for the national Assembly.
If there were more national Assemblies the regional representatives would at least have more chances to attend; and to take part in decisions made for their whole Nation. All in all that might re-motivate them too. However only if translators will do a good job (!) on the other hand, and only if all representatives are treating each other as colleagues on equal terms - which roleplay-logic would demand. The Event Team is the one authority who should take care of that. In this case everything should go fine enough.