PvP jewels with 80 - 90% spell resistance.

80 was simply a rough guess- The fact all the jewel crafters I have spoken to know this feature means all the people who they craft PvP jewels for actually use this set. Anyone who looks at their gear would say "hang on isn't half my jewel set's resists redundant because of the cap??" and then they would find out.

Someone using a normal 275 set has a medium/low chance of resisting the spell and around a 30-40% protection. This means that a 3k damage spell will cause over 1.8k damage most times. Mages get dropped in 2/3 spells and tanks would be down in around 3/4 (and f2ps in 1 hit I think?). Speaking from a tanks respective at OP wars I have 5+ nukers on me a lot of the time. Using a 275 set I would drop like a stone and would soak up heals to rez me too much making me a hindrance on my team.

Using a resistance set if someone is aiming for my "gap" (the spell areas with no additional resistance) they would hit constantly but the spell is reduced by 70% so a 3k spell does 900 damage which is half the damage of a 275 set and therefore it takes roughly double the amount of spells to kill me.

If the resistance was put in place it would completely eradicate tanks at OP wars and everyone would be dropping like flies. This would take the enjoyment out of OP wars for me and so many others.

In terms of fixing the resistance value shown I believe there are more important things to be working on and also it is a nice hidden feature just like the speed when using 2 weapons at the same time which I still haven't worked out how it works (if anyone does know could you drop me an IG mail :D



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