
Mjollren --

Not picking on you personally, but you brought this up and it's a pet peeve of mine. The whole question of "trying to make the dapper worth something."

Suggestion to the devs and players: Please stop trying to create a monetary economy in a situation where there is an infinite supply of raw material.  The problem is not in the money supply. The problem is that for all intents and purposes the supply of *everything* is infinite. The sources of harvested material and of looted materials is inexhaustible.

In such a situation, the economy cannot be "monetary" unless artificial restrictions such as exhorbitantly priced tools, taxation, etc. are installed.  Such installations will always benefit the established player because he or she will be able to easily exploit the exceptions left in to allow new players to enter.

In my opinion there was nothing wrong with the economy prior to the merge, contrary to the statements by various people.  Dappers were meaningless, it's true, but there was a thriving barter and gift economy.  It is not necessary to have money to have an economy.

For real-world examples of gift and barter economies, see those of the Pacific Northwest tribes in North America. Or tribal economies in any other place where there were no rare raw materials that were used by the people there.

When everyone is rich, no one needs to be poor.

 -- Bittty.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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