[Multiple responses] PvP/PvE rewards and ideas

This post is an excellent example of why the Rules for suggestion posts clearly state:"1 idea per thread only. If you find that the idea of the thread brings you onto another idea, make a new thread."

This thread contained five ideas. The previous thread,, evolved to contain eight recognizably different ideas including these five. Please keep in mind the rule for suggestion posts and try to limit future posts to one idea (or perhaps two very closely linked ideas). In the future we may ask posters to take a forum thread and separate it prior to response.

IDEA 1 -Forest and Desert LA NPC's
Currently there is LA NPCs in the other 2 regions but not these two. For them to be up would be fun for everyone. In terms of a crystal/crafting drop I think all LA NPC's should drop a crystal, a piece and a plan.
=> The idea about new Boss NPC's is validated and set for long term development.

The NPC LA crafting scheme could be near identical to the NPC HA however I propose 1 big difference. An alternative route of using the crystal would be trading it into a PvP merchant with a certain amount of PvP points (eg 10k) to obtain a single piece of NPC LA with similar stats (maybe slightly better) than the dropped LA piece.
=> This will be studied: There are complex matters of game balance to be considered.

IDEA 3 - Kami/kara/marauder PvP items
There is only 1 skirt available at the moment (...)I think the stats could do with a boost-  or the PVP point price could do with dropping.
=> This will be studied: There are complex matters of game balance to be considered.

Also a whole set would be great rather than just a single item.
=> This will be studied.

IDEA 5 - PvP Trainer
It was suggested in my last forum topic that a PvP trainer could be implemented on silian or the mainland. There is already such a guy on silian just without missions. I think this would be a great way to show new players a little about PvP. Such a trainer on the mainland could  teach more for example about the aim head stanzas etc.
=> This idea is set for long term consideration because it is a lot of work for a start zone.


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