[Multiple responses] PvP/PvE rewards and ideas

This is a sandbox game. Here let me take something from the ryzom mainpage for you:

Overview of our MMORPG

A unique MMORPG Universe
Our MMORPG is based on Freedom
Our MMORPG is Role-play oriented
Multiplayer Consensual PvP
Strong Role-play & RPG Community

I'm afraid I don't see "PvE core, we don't like PvP so won't implement anything new".

Until that shows up I will keep pushing forward ideas to help grow PvP. I am not asking for PvP to get the same rewards as PvE. This game is on the verge of dying- the servers have already been merged due to that fact. I love ryzom and don't want to see it die. I believe decent PvP rewards would spark an interest in PvP and help build up the PvP community- I fail to see why so many are against this. Just because ryzom is mostly PvE doesn't mean that no other PvP elements should be added. This is just the same for LA NPC bosses- more variety, new fun and a new challenge.

People who run about digging/bashing are having fun doing it. Games are made to bring enjoyment (otherwise we wouldn't pay). I assure you I am getting the point simply by the fact that I have fun. If this game was made simply for you to go around enjoying the environment and staring at mobs it wouldn't have skills in the first place.

I'd love a looting option but I couldn't think of a faster way to kill the game- half the playerbase would leave. I assume you wouldn't be bothered by a looting option as you don't venture into these areas- how very NIMBY of you. Thats why PvP points are in place instead- lets just actually make use of them and add more decent rewards.

If you look at this thread it says "PvP/PvE rewards and ideas". The new LA NPC is my PvE idea. I just would like new content to this game to bring more opportunities for fun for everyone. Seems a shame that people are so dead set against PvP that they can't look past this and see there is a PvP community playing this game also and they would like some new content.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 11:27:46 UTC

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