[Multiple responses] PvP/PvE rewards and ideas

While I would tend to agree more with Freddy's view point than any other, I think you're all fighting a losing argument; the PvP/PvE lobbies will never agree with each other. Every thread that even mentions PvP rewards descends into the same tired old discussions.

How many times do we see the "I have to do PvE to get the same rewards but you don't have to do PvP" argument? There's a simple reason PvP doesn't get the same level of rewards as PvE, it wasn't originally part of the game.It wasn't part of Nevrax's original vision, it was all Jessica Mulligan's fault. You're not supposed to be able to supply yourself with gear through PvP; that's what the environment is for.

We've seen the same "why should PvP get exclusive rewards?" argument too. I don't have an answer to that, but I am tired of both.

Mostly PvP is a choice, PvE is the core of the game, Going after SNs in PvP areas ISN'T a choice, PvP is forced on you, which is why I CHOOSE not to go there. You can choose not to do PvE but then you're missing the point of the game and the bulk of the gameplay. To twist Freddy's analogy, it's like going into a restaurant world reknowned for its fish menu and asking for steak.

I played the game when it was purely PvE; when they brought in PvP, I tried it once, didn't like it and never did it again. Am I missing out? I certainly don't think so.

Yes the bulk of this game is PvE related, but that's the point. The whole point of Ryzom IS the environment; if it wasn't, why did Nevrax make it so damn good?? I'm not talking about the stuff you can bash or dig, I'm talking about the world, the flora and fauna. Try putting down your pick/sword and looking around you. Watch how the animals interact, watch the sunsets. This is a truly immersive world that Nevrax created, I kind of get the feeling that anyone who simply runs about digging/bashing is missing the point.

There IS a way that PvP players could get Sup Mats that makes roleplay sense, allow them to loot their opponent and take them from their lifeless body, assuming they have any in their bag. One final thought, an LA NPC would be PvE not PvP. ;-p


Elder Of Atys

Chasing the DING!
You can't "complete" the mainland. If one thinks one has seen or done everything there, one is kidding oneself. But be prepared to "get out what you put in," because the mainland does not coddle or hold hands.
Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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