Team-Search functionality

About the adoption rates: yes, an app would need a good number of people to use it before it reaches a tipping point. There was a player initiative to create a separate channel LFG, with exactly this purpose; however, explaining to people what to type in order to join and leave the channel was too much, and eventually it just faded out.

Also, about the point Toak raises: finding training partners is a problem only at low(er) levels. Once I got my harvesting to 70 and I could dig solo most of the time, I stopped training anything else for a good while. To have people constantly asking for a partner would drive me nuts in two days. The proposal is good, as long as you could opt out of skills you want to partner up. For instance, I'd tick to have a constant stream of careplanners if possible ...

And ultimately, I'll add that having team partners is a matter of patience, like with everything else in Ryzom. With time you go from knowing 1 person to 3 persons, to meeting their friends and guildmates, to making a long and useful contact list. Much more important than getting those levels grinded NOW.


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