Team-Search functionality

Kaavi (atys)
I'm actually working on a LFG app for the webIG. If I have enough freetime it should be available at the end of this month.

Hello Kaavi.
I am glad to hear this and am looking forward to your App, especially if it comes around at such short notice.

However, I have one concern and it makes me think a fully integrated system should still be created ultimately:
Adoption rates.

Especially beginning and mid level players are required to participate in the teaming and team search (for their own good, really); but they're the group most ignorant to advanced features like available Web Apps.
A fair numbers of veterans probably don't bother with Web Apps either; just like many don't read the forums or don't care about the whole thing.
Creating something in any of these feature subsets has limited audience.

This can be avoided through integration into the game and tutorials/missions.
I believe the only thing that makes team-search truly viable is making it very easy for everybody to participate and use it.
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