[Multiple responses] PvP/PvE rewards and ideas

What I am saying is that there isn't a PvP only option where-as there is a PvE only option. You can happily spend your entire time doing PvE- where-as I can't do the same for PvP. In order to have a chance at PvP you have to have gear and weapons and these are got through PvE.

I am not saying that PvP should be completely self sufficient of course but I would like PvP to be more self-sufficient and have decent rewards. In a real life analogy if you kill someone you can take their items and I'm sure during medieval times after a battle there was a massive variety of gear on the ground and on the dead not just a skirts and shields.

PvP points is a great way of replacing this loot system and essentially protecting the gear of the player who died. There is currently one flaw with them- there are only 2 items as a reward. I fail to see why there shouldn't be an entire armor set.

I strongly disagree with the notion that just because PvP players get access to something that means that PvE players should have access through a different path. If that were true then PvP players should be able to get sup dug mats and sup boss mats through PvP points which is of course just silly.

As I said before if it meant the PvP rewards being added to then I would accept the fact that PvE players could have access to similar rewards through a different path however I would still disagree with it.



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NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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