[Multiple responses] PvP/PvE rewards and ideas

Again, an argument that states there's an option that doesn't exist. Unless of course you are saying that I can go to the SN area and PvP'ers will respect my desire not to engage in PvP ?

As for the counter argument, are you really suggesting there is a PvP only "option" ?

Of course PVE access isn't necessary for you .... you have chosen to PvP and already have that path so it is redundant. And you are quite comfortable with others not having access (many feel, more for me ... yay !).

Then again, looking deeper, is it ? Recognizing the amount of people in each category, other games from the getgo, offer PvP and PvE servers so as to provide the paying public with the choice and thereby maintain access to multiple markets.

We all know Ryzom can't afford that . The merge was the result of a low player base .... if more people get frustrated about limited options for PvE players, and leave will the one server have enough player base to remain open ? Then where will the Ryzom PvP be ? .... but a memory.


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