[Multiple responses] PvP/PvE rewards and ideas

SNs there is access. You just have to avoid the PvPers :P Also you forget that whilst yes PvPers can kill you and prevent you from digging that thye have to actually dig themselves (PvE) to get the rewards. PvP points you can't get but then again currently they arent worth much.

You can flip the analogy back on yourself. You can PvE and have everything you need. I am unable to PvP and have everything I need without engaging in PvE.
You can get dug mats through PvE- can i get them through PvP?
You can kill bosses during PvE- can i get them through PvP?
I'm not saying I want dug mats- just saying its PvE only (although in SNs you mostly have to be able to PvP to get at them.

I still would accept PvE access to similar rewards- i just think it isn't neccissary.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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