[Multiple responses] PvP/PvE rewards and ideas

Whaddya mean "if there were PvP only rewards ? For example, is there PvE access to PvP Points and SN's ?

Let me try this analogy. You and I go to a restaurant where the deal is ya get a 3 course meal for $19.95. Waitress comes over and says .... would you like the prime rib, steak or chicken. I'm a vegetarian so I ask what I can have instead of the meat course. She says there are no substitutions. I then ask, well how much is it for just 2 courses and she says that t there is no price break for 2 courses "cause we offered you the 3rd course and you could have eaten it if you wanted to".

The position that "all that needs doing is taking part in PvP" is like asking the vegetarian to eat meat and then when declined, to pay for it anyway. Im not suggesting that there shouldn't be PvP only rewards, I'm just saying there oughta be another way to obtain equivalent (not same) items ..... to continue the analogy .... vegetarians oughta be able to eat to.


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