
Karavan Outpost Completion

Hello Karavan ;)

Still the Karavan temple outposts are not ready. The one in Yrkanis lacks about 13% of dry bark q200 (equaling 26,000 mats), that one in Fairhaven even 56% moon resin q200.

To speed up work in the lakes, I hereby offer to trek interested diggers to the moon resin spot in Lagoons of Loria. That one is located east of the Kami tp, the area is 100% aggro free (unless you are tagged :)) and the spot is quite large allowing numerous diggers to harvest at a time. Smaller diggers could careplan and throw sources.

If someone is interested, send me a tell. Treks would start at LoL vortex towards Avendale. DP is not guaranteed ;).

I want to mention, btw., that there may be some interfactional interest in completing those outposts. Faction merchants to consume the faction points achieved during building will most likely not appear prior to all outposts being completed. This may motivate neutrals and non fanatic Kamists to support the completion.

Concerning the question whether it can be justified roleplaywise to support a faction one does not belong to, I think that is no problem for neutrals. For more secular or moderate members of the opposing factions (be that Kamist, Trytonist, or marauder), it may be bit trickier. Yet Trytonists are supporting an equilibrium between the powers to grant hominity more freedom from them, so they should not worry. Marauders, as long as their clan (guild) does not state otherwise in their rules (charters etc.) are free to do what their strength allows, anyway. And Kamists may recall the second of the three goals of Kamism, namely increasing the influence of the Kamis among hominkind. That cannot be done without contact to homins of different creed. So Kamists may see such support as an opportunity to demonstrate benevolence and generosity.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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Last visit Monday, 17 February 02:44:54 UTC

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