[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

Here is some simple maths for you:

1 piece of pei LA:
kills needed = 9
miniumum time taken = 9 hours of respawn time + 3 (generous) hours of killing time = 12 hours total
(Adding the probability of 1 fail (you should know these are generous odds as you yourself do pei that brings the total to 13-14 hours)

1 kami skirt/sheild:
kills needed = 125 (assuming max xp per kill which never happens fighting someone of the same level)
minimum time (assuming kills every 5 minutes) = 10.4 hours

The stats for the pei LA are easily achieved however the stats for the kami skirt are generously exaggerated. Xp is usually lower half the max effectively doubling the time to 20 hours. Winning is not 100% more like 50:50 effectively doubling the time to 40hours (I don't even need to mention the fact that even during fights kills are not every 5 minutes).

90% of the time I checked on pei I found him up. I can usually only find people to PvP about 10-20% of the time I play.

Hopefully this portrays the difficulty of getting 1 PvP piece compared to 1 pei piece.

I am sorry but i still disagree with you. Trekking new players is easy once you know how. I have done plenty of treks for new players during my time at ryzom and to be completely honest only a few times (when i was starting out) the team has wiped. Different languages brings up issues in all aspects of the game. If you have to fend off serveral tyrancha, varinx and kipucka and be rezzing dead team members then in my opinion you are not familiar with how to trek and avoid aggro.. Yes aggro doesn't pause for you but it doesn't need to if it doesn't see you or is dead before it reaches you.. Also the point with "punishment"- there is none if you simply avoid it.

PvP uses the best armor because it is the aspect of the game where people feel they should use their best armor. This is not just me- ask around at PvP wars and you will find people are wearing their best. Ask them why and the answer is simple- they dont need it during grinding skills and PvE- so they save for PvP.

With all respects I am thinking very real- I have a million and one ideas that I know will not reach the light of day however more PvP rewards I believe are deserved and would not be hard to implement.



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NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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