[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

Dont presume to know what my treks entail. I am a very big fan of informing players during their treks. In fact, I would like to argue that it is indeed such a trek as you gave example of that is a failure of a trek, if you don't in the beginning lay down basic rules such as, don't run infront of the leader and don't loot. Otherwise, it would be wise not to take on a bigger challenge than you can handle.

As for PvP not needing the best armour, you don't help yourself with that argument. Whatever the best gear available would be, that would be what would be utilised in PvPing. Wether its better or worse than what is currently available is irrelevant.

A PvP fight is not automatically easier because you can tell the opponent that you need a 2 minute break. Its intensity is far beyond a trek, whereby, if you are trekked by someone who knows the "safer" paths, treks can actually get boring... PvP is constant, your down, your teammate is up, they have to rez you in time for you to equip amps to heal them to keep the team up etc etc.... Virg mentioned PvP which lasted for like 20minutes of players going down and getting back up and etc... far from having the best gear it all goes down to how you work with your team and utilising the correct tactics at the correct time.With a Mob, its simple, its HP goes down until it dies, there is not Invul nor MPA and the Varinx don't go round healing eachother...


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