[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

Ok, once again and first the simple topics: When I write "++" it means I am strongly in favor, and "+++" I appreciate it even more. Next: Yes you are right, after 9 successful Pei runs every team member may possess one piece of armor. Whether that is less hard or harder than a series of PvP fights may vary by the circumstances. I do not assert that the recent rewards are perfect nor were algorithm and amount of PvP points. Feel free to further utter ideas about, I already told that I am not opposed to.

As to PvP as "the hardest", again, that is nonsense. And your reasoning about treks is, too. I am not speaking about bringing a trained player from here to there, moreover not about a single player to be escorted what is always rather simple and uncomplex. Rather I speak about groups of new, unexperienced players, and a trek worth to be memorized for them, meaning adventure, showing them the beauty and complexity of the regions crossed, giving informations about geography, fauna and flora, and history. Best that was always done on our server by Chanchey, my humble attempts in this direction fell short of what he was able to present.

A trek will become even harder with players of not only low experience, but also different language backgrounds, imagine wanting to explain something, grabbing some french or spanish term you do not recall atm from an online dictionary while fending off several tyrancha, varinx, and kipucka rezing those of your team who recently fell. And you have endlessly to monitor that nobody gets lost, falls back, drags agro, loots unleashing a respawn and so on.

Different from some PvP fight you cannot simply quit or pause, because kinchers, tyranchas, and vorax will not listen to your mention of the door bell etc. while a PvP opponent probably may. And the punishment of being struck down near the marauder camp or in the PR and having to spawn (without DP) is clearly less harsh then being pushed back to the starting point (with DP) on a trek.

As to PvP needs best armor, that is rubbish. PvP takes best armor because it is there. Were there better, PvP players would take it, were there only worse, they would take that one. Any gear improvement in PvP is just arms race, it will never satisfy. That does not mean that good gear is not fun, and may open variations in combat not available otherwise, and it does not mean that I miswant you that. But kindly get real.


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