[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle


Before merger, Ari had a simple Roll out of 100 for NPC's like Pei and Dante for example. Regardless whether someone got 3 Boots and 2 Vests, there was always a lot of trading which would in a sense substitute for this "bad luck"

Now, a lot of people either directly use Chancey's system or else incorporate something similar whereby they attend for a number of times before they are issued with a full set.

In terms of trekking being the hardest thing, I will draw from my own experiences:
- I started to trek around Atys when I was F2P
- I have trekked many homins who have been F2P and very low level on my own
- I have also trekked a group of low level homins with the help of a F2P going from Yrk-Pyr-Zora-FH
- I have trekked around PR also, albeit it was slightly harder than ML
It had nothing to do with me being a multi-master, rather it relied on my sneaking skills and very good use of the Radar and the "safer" routes from experience. Trekking isn't the hardest activity to do once you know how, PvP still is.

Lastly, I don't think everyone who is a decent PvPer automatically turned into one... just with everything, it takes time and dedication.

There are a lot of points being brought up that have the potential to take this post way off topic (for example if PvP jewels should be allowed).


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