[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

Wow is my initial response...

If you look at what i said... i said kill pei 9 times and you have a great LA piece... PIECE not set. You do the maths.

My point about PvP jewels what that people use the best for PvP not PvE. This was to back up my point that PvP is harder and requires better gear.

I'm sorry... an RP session.. hard? Organization can be tough for some I guess but at the end of the day if you have people who want to do something it will get done.. If I want to go kill a marauder in PvP it can easily not get done- and they can end up killing me.

Treks? Oh please trekking is not difficult. If a person can solo trek a level 1 alt around atys (and yes this has been done many times) then trekking is easy- the issue you may encounter is that you don't know how to trek in which case it can be difficult. Comparing this to PvP you could be one of the best players ever and still loose to someone..

I disagree with tumbleweed. Gear provides an advantage in PvP however tatics can win out easily- I have killed players who are very good at PvP in grind jewels, grind axe and no armor whilst they had boosted gear.

The only people who regularly PvP are worthy opponents and when someone starts fighting them they tend to learn fast and become very adept themselves. I'm sorry you believe adding to rewards will damage the game? How about NPC hunts? Why do people do them week in week out? I'll tell you why... They are doing it for the rewards- yes initially for the fun but then this develops into wanting that shiny set.

I don't understand your +++ post.



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NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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