[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

Virg, please not again. Do the math: In case of bad luck, you kill Pei-Ruz 20 times for 20/9 boots, oops.
And "PvP jewels" are a bug exploit. I regret much that it has not been fixed with the piece of code provided by Neron. Not because I am anti PvP but because I believe the complaints of PvP participants that it kills the role of mages in PvP.

About "PvP is the hardest thing in this game" I cannot but laugh. The hardest thing probably is preparing, organizing, leading, and follow up a RP session of all parts of the community, that is damn work and exactly zero reward (be happy if not harvesting lots of critique and objections). Compared with that anything else is a catwalk.

I could name lots of other things that are "harder than PvP" and not yielding any reward (except a thankyou which is worth more than every uber gear), for example treks around the world with a group of new players. That is a burden of responsibility and may develop complexities untold.

And, beneath that. if you are a master in PvP, where is it hard to defeat somebody who is not? Tumbleweed brought up the assertion that somebody in Pei armor, with PvP jewels and 97 zun amp would always win against somebody in good dig armor and jewels and 83 amp. I, on contrary, in a case that a non PvP trained, master in ele and the afflis, with the mentioned uber gear, would stand against, say Kitane, you, Triplex, Ardaz, or others knowing the business, in the aforementioned standard gear, would bet every dapper on the PvP expert, and would win.

Therefore, PvP is only hard if you have a worthy opponent, otherwise it may even be easy or dead boring at worst. That is, and I have to hammer that into your head, what Bittty, me, and other alleged "PvP haters" are preaching: You damn need fresh blood, and for that, you have to show and demonstrate the attractivity of PvP. Creating "carrots", rewards, or worst of all, coercion, will only attract opportunists, and drive out non interested players, thus damaging the whole game. That is the only concern "PvP haters" (which, btw, I am not) hold, being concerned about balance and integrity of game mechanics.


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