[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle


Yes, I do think the Kirosta is hard, when it is undertaken by a party at the level that the devs expected people to cap out on Silan, which is to say no one in the party over 30 in magic or melee, no HA, few if any jewels. With assistance from high level "Silan welcomers", yes it's easy. ((Off topic, perhaps we should put a level cap into Silan the way there was in the old days?))

And low level PvP on Silan is *not* more challenging than PvE because the newbs don't have the stanzas and don't have even the idea for techniques. If high level PvP is challenging, it is precisely because it *is* high-level.

I cannot emphasize enough that while I dislike PvP, I am debating this honestly. Silan is meant to be a training ground in game mechanics, not in everything that the game can be. Simple digging, simple making, simple hitting, simple casting. If we add PvP to that, it should be "simple PvP", and that's the Arena. That's not a matter of "hating PvP", that's a matter of keeping things balanced.

-- Bittty

P.S. I don't hate PvP, I just dislike it very much. Hate is far too strong a word in my vocabulary to use on PvP in a game.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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