[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

Casy --

My apologies for the intrusive "e". I have fixed it in my post above.

I would have to object to q50 anything. You don't get q50 for Chiang's mission or any other Silan activity. If PvP is a part of Ryzom activity (which it is) it is *not* a more important part than anything else and should not give greater reward. A set of pants at q45, or a q45 fancy dagger or a nice protection jewel would correspond nicely to the rewards for everything else except the Kirosta Mission (which is supposed to be the culmination of the Silan experience and an experience in "boss" fighting).

I don't see any reason not to use the Silan Arena. It may not be "real" PvP to you, but it allows both single and group combat, gives dp just the same as "real" PvP and keeps the PvPers from running rampant over Silan. The PvP dude can explain that this is just a sample and that on the mainland there are many larger areas where PvP is allowed and that once one has sufficient fame one can tag up. That gives prospective PvPers an incentive to move to the ML where they can grind fame and earn the right to tag up and run rampant across the landscape.

It also means that the dev's don't have to mess with the game mechanics to allow people to tag up in Silan, and therefore it is more likely that you might get it in an non-geological time-span.

-- Bittty


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Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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