[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

On Silan there wouldn't be a need for special skills. I encountered some questions in uni if there was any pvp in ryzom. It just isn't clear to new players. If you like PvP you don't bother if you got the best skills already, you just start it. If you fail you will ask what your opponent did (or find out yourself which encourages new players to look into game mechanics). This is most common for beginner's PvP. This could even help new players to buy the right skills. Most are not sure what skills are best to buy first. Buy 5 stamina regen upgrades or melee protection aura? Just an example. It can help PvE gameplay too.

At the moment every main game aspect is present on silan but PvP. The arena... yes... but arena PvP is ridiculous. Noone seriously does that on ML.... Ok except us marauders haha :) But that is training for real PvP. We would not do it if there was no real PvP to train for.

It does not have to be THAT axe. Any single type of unique equipment does the trick. Maybe a Q50 faction skirt. Every activity in ryzom results in unique advantages. Every activity on Silan yields unique items. Finishing a number of voluntary PvP opponents of your level is an achievement very similar to completing chiang's missions.

I never mentioned a pvp trainer with a single word. The explanantion guy i mentioned is there to explain how to tag up, how to recognize another player who is tagged and if you need to fear him if you yourself are not tagged.

Casy without any Es


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
Intensive Care Bear
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