[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

While I agree with Bittty that there should not be an uber reward, I find the idea of a PvP trainer with PvP quests not bad at all. After all, there is already a PvP introduction NPC on Silan, that one could give the quests which ought not to begin harder than the official 4 branches.

Quite a time ago, long before the fusion, I suggested in the Arispotle ideas forum (here, in a way ;)) to create a fifth skill tree for PvP. The advantage would be that all leveling greedy homins (like me) could hardly resist such a challenge. Granted not all my ideas about were fully thought through I still think such would not be a bad idea.

In addition I think that points (if not xp in such a hierarchy) should not be given in a winner takes it all fashion, but rather one part fully given to the victor, the rest e.g. by relative damage dealt or similar. That would encourage fights with a close outcome even if one of the parties is always losing in the end.


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