[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

That's an awesome idea :-)

And i think it could be easily implemented with one NPC explaining a few things, some missions and a silan pvp vendor:

- add missions to kami and karavan npc that dramatically affect fame after a large effort. for example a kami mission: forage 50 modified dry sap q1 around karavan camp (50 is like 500 on main land); gives +23 kami fame and -25 karavan fame, allowing players to tag up and also allows players to get neutral fame again before leaving. same for karavan.... (do something the kamis don't like or don't care for). Could also be something that has to be done in the now deserted arena.
- add pvp vendor that sells one unique awesome item for say 1000 pvp points (~8 kills), maybe the same axe that everyone got during merge. One item only to discourage ganking.

A pvp mission would be even better (gives +25/-25 temporarily and asks to kill x players) but i think there is no kill player trigger for missions yet - and missions don't have 'on cancel mission' triggers yet that could remove the fame if the mission is cancelled.


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
Intensive Care Bear
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