
Gedanken-Emote-Schlacht in unterschiedlichen Sprachen im RP?

Hier ist das Chatlog dieser Geschichte und die Entscheidung des Event-Managers:
2013/04/15 23:16:33 * Icus se dit que les officiels ont finalement comppris qu'ignorer Zhoi est un bon point pour les assemblée, c'est bien
2013/04/15 23:16:49 * @{EE3F}Du sagst: @{FFFF}(?)
2013/04/15 23:17:40 * @{EE3F}Krill sagt: @{FFFF}(ironical comment of Icus regarding the fact that Zhoi's hand has not been taken into account yet)
2013/04/15 23:17:54 * @{EE3F}Chanchey sagt Dir: @{FD5F}"Icus sagt sich, dass die offiziellen endlich verstanden haben, dass es gut ist, Zhoi auf Versammlungen zu ignorieren, das ist gut."
2013/04/15 23:20:06 * @{EE3F}Du sagst: @{FFFF}(please not that in RP thought-emotes are seen as unfair and it usually is allowed to answer to them as if they could have been guessed or heard)
2013/04/15 23:20:16 * @{EE3F}Du sagst: @{FFFF}(not = note)
2013/04/15 23:20:52 * @{EE3F}Du sagst: @{FFFF}(which is impossible if you tell them in a language the other party cannot understand, this is not RP anymore)
2013/04/15 23:20:52 * @{EE3F}Icus sagt: @{FFFF}(if you can read in thought, then answer it)
2013/04/15 23:21:12 * @{EE3F}Icus sagt: @{FFFF}(if you can't, ignore it)
2013/04/15 23:21:16 * @{EE3F}Du sagst: @{FFFF}(I can consider it as if you had murmured it and not just thought)
2013/04/15 23:21:36 * @{EE3F}Icus sagt: @{FFFF}(i didn't said murmured but though, do you need some glasses ? ^^")
2013/04/15 23:22:14 * @{EE3F}Du sagst: @{FFFF}(this is what is seen as unfair just as any power-emote; saying something insulting or degrading without giving the oterh PLAYER a chance to defend)
2013/04/15 23:23:08 * @{EE3F}Du sagst: @{FFFF}(do not behave like a griefer, and do not mock other players OOC)
2013/04/15 23:23:43 * @{EE3F}Denen Toen sagt: @{FFFF}(If you have a problem with a way an emote is done, please discuss it with the player first, assemblies are not done for that)
2013/04/15 23:25:22 * @{EE3F}Du sagst: @{FFFF}(dear event-team-member: do you really think it is okay to insult other people's characters with thought-emotes in a language that their players cannot understand? I need this to be cleared up)
2013/04/15 23:28:05 * @{EE3F}Denen Toen sagt Dir: @{FD5F}(no I don't think that insult should be tolerated, however, to me, it seems more like a very bad joke because of the interpretation of the language)
2013/04/15 23:28:22 * @{EE3F}Denen Toen sagt Dir: @{FD5F}THat's why I said to tell the player directly.
2013/04/15 23:28:46 * @{EE3F}Du tellst Denen Toen: @{FD5F}(well, but this means that Icus should tell it to me directly first, right?)
2013/04/15 23:29:37 * @{EE3F}Denen Toen sagt Dir: @{FD5F}Yes, but i think Icus thought it was a funny joke. Again I may be wrong but the best is to ask him directly.
2013/04/15 23:30:05 * @{EE3F}Du tellst Denen Toen: @{FD5F}so I can in the future also make jokes like that in German? Thank you very much for clearing this up
2013/04/15 23:30:55 * @{EE3F}Denen Toen sagt Dir: @{FD5F}As long as they are jokes who do not insult, yes
2013/04/15 23:31:13 * @{EE3F}Denen Toen sagt Dir: @{FD5F}If at any mooment a player feels insulted, then no
2013/04/15 23:31:17 * @{EE3F}Du tellst Denen Toen: @{FD5F}and even though others cannot understand...
2013/04/15 23:32:10 * @{EE3F}Du tellst Denen Toen: @{FD5F}even if this is your opinion, I won't stoop so low. Icus could have said it in English too, and what he did was tricking me as a player OOC, not RP :(
2013/04/15 23:32:47 * @{EE3F}Denen Toen sagt Dir: @{FD5F}We will not discuss how to make fun jokes here. If you think there is a problem with what has been said, please tell the player, that's the best way to solve things.

Tja, das Problem ist nur, daß ich dann ohnehin nur dieselben Antworten von Icus im privaten Tell bekommen hätte, wie ich sie im Umgebungs-Chat von Icus bekam: keine Übersetzung, keine Einsicht, kein Entgegenkommen, keine Veränderung. Um das zu erfahren, brauch ich niemanden eigens anzutellen -_-


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