[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

I would like to apologise to the original poster virg who i consider a friend if i may say so. It was not my intent to swing this forum topic in this direction but many posters have very negative ideals and have forced it in this direction, if you would like, i can kindly delete all of my posts far in this topic, move the arena idea to a new post (i have been writing up a new post with some structure, it is not ready yet) i do not like when things get so far off topic from the original.

originally you were calling for new content, or rather finishing current content, tumbleweed mentioned that it is indeed true that one skirt is simply unfinished content, eruv supports finishing this content but in the mean time asked what virg's thoughts were on pvp-only armor or player made arena. virg and a few others replied positively for a few posts thereafter, the idea merits its own forum post if virg does really like the idea, virg can post it since virg has more pull than eruv at this time :P

the later on added pvp arena idea gained some ground by a few player comments and should be moved to a new post, i have since then stopped speaking about the arena IDEA (it is just that, an idea) because i do not want to steal the post but i simply had to reply further.I am too stubborn and stupid to listen to good sense and stop replying, so this will now be messy.

there IS a difference in DIFFERENT FORMS of PVP tagged PVP is not the ONLY way to PVP , in case anyone missed it, PVP means player versus player it does not mean, i spill your blood and look down on you for your ideas or your opinions because I am better than you, oh little homin who knows nothing of "real" pvp

so this is now a philosophical and not a logical position. real is dependent on the definer and the definition, you have no claim on what real means in excess of my own claim. today we are equals here.

now you can say "standard free tagged pvp anywhere anytime" or whatever. i never disputed that teamed fights go on all over atys i see many of them and have been involved in some, thank you very much gods of pvp. i do not believe that one should ignore a part of the world. but i have a right to participate when and how i want to without being judged. i am not trying to take away attention from your grand lovely real pvp that is so much better than anything else on all of atys besides stinga rum.

Tumbleweed as virg pointed out there is a DIFFERENCE in the arena IDEA and general tagged "real" pvp. I do not stand for having my words misrepresented so I must reply. No one is saying pvp should be restricted just to an arena. on the contrary I only suggested what i did to EXPAND the possibilities. it is YOU who are imposing restrictions by pissing on a perfectly good idea

let me explain something to you, you who think you are better qualified and who judge me. You are full of negative energy and you only see the bad in the idea. i would not care if people like you do not participate in this "sideshow" so take your dark cloud somewhere else. I never said it was a perfect idea. i never said there would not be problems. in everything there is someone who will want to farm or cheat or use and abuse a system for their own selfish gain. do not blame that on me.

To make this idea a bit more clear i will state the following:

this is not to replace "real" pvp
this is not to tell anyone what to do or how to play
this is not to restrict anyone

this is to add another dimension to the world
this is to allow other players who might actually LIKE the idea to help form it (and some do)
this is to invite participation and ideas and helpful comments

and for the record who are you to judge competency of who can or cannot give advice or who has the right to do so? you are just another person, like me. kindly remember that when speaking to anyone else. i do not care what your experience or qualifications are, you do not know mine, do not presume to know me.

And virg, you enjoy being the antagonist to provoke replies anyway, we all know it and in fact, i like that part of your persona because i enjoy it too, i just don't get to let it out as freely as you have :)

I will go head to head with anyone who has something CONSTRUCTIVE to say because dear friends and homins i am a person too and i have a right to my words and my ideas and my opinions. i have a right to try to speak when it think it is something worth doing. you have a right to ignore or disagree with me but no in the current fashion of discussion. let it be. continuing to banter in this way will only result in a bad outcome.

you have your way, i have mine and you know what, i will do BOTH unlike some who will consistently believe their way is better and anyone else's is second rate. i have respect for your fun and i ask that you have respect for entrepreneurism. you have your thoughts i have mine. we do not have to agree. but i will never look down on you for what you like and you should not look down on me for trying to help add content to a world severely lacking.

be my guest and wait around until the devs have time to make your new pvp marauder fancy armors for your real pvp. im sure you will get it, the devs LIKE pvp they WANT pvp they encourage it. why do you think marauder update was high on the list in the last post about whats coming next? why do you think they wanted us to tag up during temple events? you'll get your cake and eat it but don't try to tell me how to be, what to think, what i am qualified to say, or what real is.

if it appears to you that i have taken your replies too personally then you had better consider that it might be partly your fault for presenting your own thoughts and ideas in the forceful, perhaps even brutish manner you have. Yes that's right i said brutish, you do not see me trying to beat down your idea with a stick do you? i try to see the positives in what you say. i try to support your position when i can. can you not do same?

i want you to have your new content, i want anything that will encourage new players. including player generated new content that encourages exposure to pvp. do you clearly understand my position or do i need to write 10 more pages to get my point across?

Sincerely Eruv

Any further problems with anything i say can be handled in an email or a tell, i believe this topic has done some good work and perhaps should now be left alone. Virg, again, if you liked anything here (as you have stated you did like the pvp-only armor idea) i encourage you to make a separate post as i will make another for the arena idea. there is not much left to be gained in this topic in its present form, and i hope it is locked


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