[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

All arena-like ideas are terrible by default. Screw them all. PvP being locked up in any sorts of cages and pinfolds like arenas and battlegrounds is a trademark of theme-park games. It has nothing to do with sandbox and freedom. Do i really have to go into some kind of locked room to enjoy what i want to enjoy? It's like running being restricted to gyms and stadiums; like you can't run neither in parks, nor in streets, not even in your backyard. Everyone knows what arenas do to PvP. Basically, they kill it, turning it into competition over rewards, points, titles, ladders, whatever, with farming, leeching, preset matches and cheating of all kinds. Like there is no other way of PvP gameplay, but degrading it down to events and farming. Such a carebearish approach.

Note that all these ideas come from people that had little to none experience in PvP, yet they feel they are competent enough to give out advices and guidelines on how PvP, namely its tagged version, must be handled, treated and rewarded.
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 14:21:31 UTC

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