Faction merchant new item: Fine Generic Raw Materials (and obsolescence of cats)

To add to this idea I also propose:

Since there are 8 colours in atys (red blue black white purple turquoise beige and green) and each of the for capitals has one color generic choice mat (zora purple tryker turquoise fyros beige and matis green)

If it is not difficult to implement addition of generic fine mats at suggested faction prices, why not also make each land have one more of the four missing colours (black white blue and red)

This way it becomes easier (and fun) to craft, and design various clothing. At the moment the suggested pricing is 32 per Q250 fine mat and even at 7000 faction points per day max from new horizons this is still barely 218 mats per day (non tradeable) so it is not abuseable as a way to get easy craft levels. Instead it would make more sense to get the cheap low Q ones for enjoyment.

As I said, if it is not quite difficult to add I feel it would give some fun to many.


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