[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

lol real pvp :) i give up

i want to make it clear i was only suggesting possible ideas in the mean time , while we wait on these "new" things there ARE things we can do as a community to encourage more pvp. if you want to call it real or not is up to you

the post is about pvp things... i dont feel that i veered off topic that much,
i added two ideas, 1) pvp only armor and 2) arena
in idea 2) i mentioned trading 300 bulk to verify someone is naked, i did not imply that we would be fighting with no or bad gear- i meant no offense, but i do apologize for my assumption, that was out of line


and virg i happen to disagree with gasket on this one. something so extravagant as pvp islands with all those new rules is just too much work i was proposing the arena idea because it is something we can get started on immediately without any help from the devs. why they implement things or not, what they are busy with, what they will add first... all of that is up to them and we have to respect that they are also busy.

i just wanted to take a stand on something we could DO instead of ask for and talk about and wait on.


i am not saying i dont agree with virg / drez etc i DO want the system already in place to "work " (be enhanced) i noted that yes some things are "missing" and unfinished , great i want them too to be fixed. i am not trying to say to anyone, lets ignore the other aspect. im not saying you should want someone to give you standard equipment for this "minigame pvp" but it IS a valid option, in the mean time and it really could encourage more players to try joining "real pvp"

thank you all for reading i will not be replying here any longer


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