[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

I agree with Virg, Drezar and Kigan (on french board). Some variety in rewards will be fine and easy to implement.

Your idea might be fun too, but it opens up another, completely different game. You will need to grind skills up and make tactics for fluffy pvp only and different skills and tactics for real pvp. Of course such a minigame inside ryzom isn't bad. But i doubt it's worth the effort when you look at all those unfixed bugs and unfinished features.

I was attacking the idea of no equipment and very bad equipment mentioned. Just because of what i said above. No need to insult me on that (and it might not have the desired effect to force me to answer directly and elaborately). Actually i'm not using any equipment that is not easy to get at the moment - if you know how to make receipes :-)

Please open up a new topic for every idea if you do not want to blur the original idea.


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
Intensive Care Bear
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