[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

Nuno --
Actually there are ways that one can be sure once the people are in the center of the arena. One woujld be to have the referee check a time-stamped screenshot of their inventory and equipment. The timestamp would have to be after they had come to the center of the arena out of trading range with any partner.

Also it would be perfectly possible to have combats where "bring your best equipment" is the rule, or "Naked except for jewels" or whatever.

On the other hand, if PvP means that you cannot trust your opponent in a fair fight, then I *REALLY* want no part in it. I would also hold that if your skill in PvP is totally dependent on your equipment, that there is very little skill there.

Virg -- the issue is that the Devs *never* give out timelines more than a few weeks in the future. Period. So there's no point in asking for that kind of commitment, and if they say that they are looking into it, then there will be an immediate call for a schedule and irritation when it isn't met. As I said, I see no upside for the devs in commenting in this thread. I did not say that the thread was useless; in fact I implied the opposite.

((As for "every single marauder I know..." -- well there's a certain amount of potential for "selection bias" there, but I'll grant that many marauders are in it for the PvP.))

The main point of my suggestion was for the "PvP community" to bring their passion to the attention of the rest of Atys in a way that was *NOT* related to looking for more "game rewards".


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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