boss respawn time based on boss lvl, not fixed time.

Talkirc (atys)
btw, i posted this because i've spent about 2 weeks looking for one boss that i might have been able to take on alone or with one friend, i've spent tons of tp's and time running around the lower lvl areas (up to 150, which i'm sure if i found one over 100, it would kick my teeth out in short order, but still fun to try) looking for a boss to try to take on, so far nothing, and that's a real pain, makes me feel like the only way to really see them would be to find out where it spawns at, then camp out there, all the while staying awake for about 96 hours (due to 3 day cool down you need an extra day to be sure to not miss the spawn) just to see it once.

There is no need to run around like a crazy person. I posted a guide on bosses shortly after the server merge. If your looking for lower level bosses, check out the guide and scroll down to the maps of the lower level zones. Here's the link for you: 2

Hope this helps you a bit, Talkirc.
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 13:42:55 UTC

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