[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle


How about a new pvp area? When you get there you can't equip anything at all. (or can't take anything with you? whatever is easier to code)

You have a merchant there, at the respawn/tp, that sells basic quality items: weapons, amps, armor... All of the items have the stats as if they were crafted with "fine generic raw materials". These are the only items you can equip there.

These new "refugee" items are worthless outside this area, so nobody will cry fool.

But, as they are the only ones you can wear, they're the ultimate pvp weapon there :D

This would make battles depend more on the skills and less on the equipment.

My 2 cents... Have fun,
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 14:49:59 UTC

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