[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

The dig/crafters who oppose pvp so much are only killing the game they love so much. People will always need crafting done. No reason to worry about not being useful or having something to do. Why cry out so against PvP? Do you have any idea how many people have quit this game because there is no real PvP here? 1000's of people who got masters and then decided there really wasn't anything worth doing with them. I'd say that out weighs the 20 people that would quit if they made changes to the pvp system. WAKE UP. This game is dead by end of the year and all you love will be gone if you can't be more open to PvP.

Just take a look around. The amount of people still playing since the merge has gone down drastically. Going to be hard to craft when you can't log in because they shut the sever down:P
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 14:40:05 UTC

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