Referal Program

I think it would be good to have a two tiered referral bonus.

1. If your referral completes the Silan missions (the final Chiang the Strong mission to kill the Dominant Kirosta being the required achievement), you get the tier 1 bonus. Make it something neat, but ultimately not worth the effort to abuse. In fact, you could make it something to encourage continuing to help the new player, say 100-200 q100 excellent generic mats.

2. If on the other hand your referral becomes a subscriber, then you get the good reward. Something not tradeable that's at least useful at any level. Maybe a 0 bulk q250 tool of your choice or something. Something that's nice, but not too unbalancing if someone manages to get a bunch of them.

Making the good reward require subscription wouldn't necessarily stop anyone from abusing it, but I'm inclined to say that if anyone really wants to give that much money to our hosts, let em!


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