[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

Virg, What about this solution?

(and please no one else tell me that this is never going to happen or that it's going to be hard to implement or any of that i really just want to know, IF it were possible would anyone like the idea)

would you be satisfied if this armor was ONLY usable for pvp? not named not grind ONLY pvp? it would cater for the pvp'er and it would not unbalance the rest of the game. taking it a step further let me include D's comment. this is not guild wars where the PVP section is separated and you start out with PVP top end gear.... but what if it was.

Suppose for the sake of theory that we had something where atys analyses your levels and pairs you up with potential opponents of similar strength, even lets you pick who you want and if they agree you go at it (with an option to show your stats if you want, or not) the system then gives you a spread of gear to pick from... maybe it randomises some and has some standard ones, maybe you can have 2 sections , where you bring your own gear or go with the system's duke it out, both get some pvp points....

But as i said the catch is this... your pvp points could ONLY buy pvp gear, that is ONLY for pvp...i mean suppose you dont want to grind on 2000 najabs anyway so what does it matter if its only for pvp? there are a lot of incentives to something like this.

0) it would not harm dig and craft at all in fact it might enhance it if you have the option to bring your own gear or use provided gear... crafter can make a name for themselves that way, in fact why not have the system ask you, are you using your own gear?- yes. (system checks crafter's name) (crafter gets a share of the pvp-points)

1) it would encourage people who like to dig and craft to try pvp, because it's not the idea of, omg i just sat there for 4 days trying to pop sup something to FINALLY make this ONE armor set... eh im not going to use it much cause i dont want to do that again often.

2) it would avoid that problem of, omg you love to pvp but you hate dig and craft but you want MY sups for YOUR gear? do it yourself. this kind of thinking is pretty harmful but it can happen even between great friends, if you had a bad enough time in roots or you camped for hours on npc bosses and someone who never did one wants to use the spoils.

3) it would not unbalance levels of combat, since, we all can agree crafting and digging are a big part of atys, and we can probably agree that its never going to go out of style even if more "uber" gears are created (if only because you wont drive your fragile Ferrari through a swap-pit before you try a durable truck).

meaning, if you DID get some really cool gear from pvp that was NOT pvp-only, you wont use it to grind anyway. you admitted that yourself V, so, it wouldn't be a problem if it was pvp-only. there would be no- hey i dont get to use this to kill 2000 najabs with this! (because you'd probably just use a max smash grind set instead...)

so my bottom line is, if there's only one skirt add more, if there's 2/4 lands make it 4/4 sure that won't unbalance anything. and if you are going to invent a new Ferrari, that we can trade and use for PVE... even if it was overpowered way better than sup dig or mob mats...then don't make it so durable. but to avoid a lot of conflict, why not just make these things pvp-only?


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