
Pimp my Ryzom

Zelirr (atys)
[*] Download now SweetFX_settings and put it where you put SweetFx (it'll ask to overwrite a file, accept).
[*] ATI users or if you've deactivated Sparse Grid , open SweetFX_settings.txt and at the top replace the line #define USE_SMAA_ANTIALIASING 0 with #define USE_SMAA_ANTIALIASING 1

Step 3

Launch Ryzom, connect and in the graphical options deactivate 'Bloom' (already added by SweetFx). The key 'Scroll Lock' activate/deactivate SweetFx to better see the difference and key 'PrintScrn' takes a screenshot (saved in Ryzom folder) with SweetFx visible, screenshots taken directly with Ryzom will not show it.

Don't hesitate to tweak the sweetFx settings and share them with us here.

Could you post your file again please? want to give it a try.


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Last visit Friday, 28 February 02:01:47 UTC

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