[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

"Not true" is a contradiction. I have been unable to play since Christmas as my uni has blocked ryzom :(

I'm afraid if you want to amass a lot of PvP points "common brawls/gankings" aren't going to be the way to do that. You will need full blown PvP fights- and a lot of them.

His point was that "One of the reasons I like Ryzom is the reality connection, however fragile it may be since this is a game and all." My point following on from that is killing people gets you rewards- in real life you get loot. Ryzom has its "rewards" which are PvP points apart from the fact there is nothing to spend them on.

You are worried this implementation will break crafting. This will not happen. Even before the merge when NPC armors were abundant the demand for crafting was massive. I had NPC LA and HA and even boosted gear- did I use them all the time? Of course not! You save them for special occasions- as people would with this PvP gear. 99% of the time I used crafted gear despite the fact I owned tons of NPC gear.

The world of ryzom is a sandbox game- a "do what you want" game. There is NPC gear for PvE that doesn't require crafting- why is there such an outrage when PvP gear is suggested?



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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 14:56:08 UTC

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