[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

Virg (atys)
[.. Pei armor ..]Disagree all you want but I have got a set in 1 day.
I did not contradict. It means that 8 other players waived their share. And as to Pei-Ruz being so easy, how often did you take on him lately? And why is the server not flooded with Pei armor recently if it is so easy while Dante is so overbooked that some players are not ashamed to rush in and steal the click when a full team is just about to enter?

Virg (atys)
Daomei (atys)
.. I fail to see that players cannot agree about PvP fights with roughly evened out chances, with series of fights lasting no longer than a couple of minutes.
If people are competitively PvPing there is no issue with it. If taking turns to kill each other isn't illegal then quite simply it should and if these ideas come to light it will be.
We agree that cheating is not allowed, that was not the point. On the other hand, it is not cheating to readjust the chances by adding some handicap when one sees that one side is systematically superior. Uneven chances make competition boring for the victor and frustrating for the defeated. And having PvP points in mind when arranging fights is not cheating either, they are here to encourage consensual PvP.

Virg (atys)
Daomei (atys)
As written above I tend to doubt. Clearly a player is at least sometimes more dangerous than a mob because he is more creative and versatile than an AI.
Somtimes? I can tell you every tactic to kill every single mob quite easily with a team of masters.
Yes, sometimes, not always. I watched lots of PvP fights which were no more than common brawl or ganking, stupid and predictable. I took part in OP fights which were incredibly boring due to overwhelming superiority of one side. And the race for uber gear also is predictable and not particularly interesting. When I as a neutral have to cross the more interesting regions of the rootball I encounter more challenge than that from mobs and environment. No doubt that PvP can be interesting and challenging, yet the constant call for more reward and incentive does not impressively demonstrate its attractivity. (Edit: get me right, I do not say that PvP cannot be fun, challenging, and interesting, I much appreciate and respect your enthusiasm under that respect. But PvE is more than just killing mobs, please respect that, too, and the ecology of interacting AI in ryzom is no less complex than what players can arrange among themselves).

Virg (atys)
Well for this [ .. quote from Bittty..] to be true PvPers should get gear from killing others- would you rather have it in the form of PvP point rewards or for looting? Of course everyone would choose PvP rewards unless anyone else has other ideas.
I don't see that the one or the other follows from Bittty's quote. His point was that any homin in Atys no less than people in societies based on division of labor depends on the contribution of others thus a warrior should be no more autarkic than any other. (As an aside: In human history there was one major war based on armies waiving logistics and living off the country by looting, the 30years war 1618-48, it left the theatre of operations with roughly half the prewar populace and wide desert like areas).

The world of Atys is based on production (be it by foraging, hunting or crafting), services (among them armed protection), and exchange. I do not see that any category of players should be exempt. Faction points are fine as an incentive and a means of identifying with the own faction, would they lead to self-sufficiency outside that system it would break the game.


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