[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

Virg (atys)
Daomei (atys)
You can get a full set of pei ruz in a day...
Not true. You may get one full set (if the parts do fit) in a workday's time with a team of 9, with luck maybe even bit more. That is 1/9th of a full set or so.
This has the opportunity to flood the market with armors far above what may be crafted but it hasn't.
I tend to doubt. A successful Pei-Ruz run requires high levels in 2h melee, ele and heal, the adequate weapons and actions, and a good portion of luck as any more serious lag, be it by server, network, or client, any freeze or crash at team members, will easily cause a wipe without having made a mistake. And to mistakes Pei is unforgiving. That may be the reason that the market has indeed not been flooded by Pei armor. Were that the case, the mission might be changed or restricted. That has been the case with Aen which was feasable with one or two teams in the past causing lots of Aen HA being around.
Killing najabs is easy. Killing other PvP players isn't so easy. As casy has pointed out the "grind" you are referring to is illegal and I should expect your armor would be stripped off you- great way to waste 20hours.
I am curious whether you (or Casy) can tell me where I may read that rule. Granted, when players of different factions meet, strip armor and jewelry, and kill one another in turn by one spell or two strikes with an axe, or even ten in a row with a launcher, that would not be accepted. I would not call such fighting rather cheating, and cheating is illegal following the EULA and the other written rules of the game.

But I fail to see that players cannot agree about PvP fights with roughly evened out chances, with series of fights lasting no longer than a couple of minutes. All player and event team organized PvP contests were more or less like that, and you are not going to tell me that they were illegal. When I watch duels or even group PvP fights as taking place e.g. before FH most of them do not last longer than a couple of minutes. You cannot tell me that those are all lawbreakers. And now as PvP points are in place and the merchs as well PvP players will of course mind faction point gain. I cannot verify Casy's point that marauders are treated differently from other PvP players by the CSR, I would not welcome such. Generally I think there must be a borderline being found and respected between cheating as described above and regular fights. It would be nice if a CSR could comment on because I think that is a question of general interest.
Daomei (atys)
Getting the mats for a "normal" parry 2 optimal heavy armor takes weeks of boss hunting and sup digging, even longer for a white one.
Ask yourself how long it would take to kill469 maruders? Bear in mind you may gank one but more spawn in- which means you need a team also. Then you and your team have to be effective in your tatics enough to kill them in the first place. This isn't 469 mobs which just keel over a die after a few nukes.
As written above I tend to doubt. Clearly a player is at least sometimes more dangerous than a mob because he is more creative and versatile than an AI. Yet PvP players of any faction have a common interest to fight one another, be it for PvP fun or for faction points. They do not tag themselves for the purpose of not being hit.
Daomei (atys)
Then, any crafter given that item and having learnt the plan could craft faction armour. This would give factions stuff for identification and would not break the crafting system.
Once again reverting back to crafters. If you are so keen on every single item coming from crafters let PvPers loot the people they killed- that will increase the demand for crafted items once all our bags are nicely stocked up with your items. (As if that would happen- but that is the only other alternative to a bit of independence- what would you rather have?)
With all due respect, you know that this is rubbish. Ryzom is no PvP with loot game, most Ryzom players would not tolerate it.
And still I do not see the point why PvP players should have uber armor and weaponry circumventing the harvest, quarter, and craft system. That would only start the next round of an armor and weaponry race resulting in wishes for the next uber gear. As I pointed out, overpowered gear tilting the balance already made players quit or at least lose fun with PvP.


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