
Protokolle der Kreissitzung

3. An die Repräsentanten von Min-Cho und Jen-Lai habe ich offene Briefe geschrieben, die folgendes ansprachen:

a) ich bat sie darum, meinem Antrag zuzustimmen oder ihre Meinung darüber zu bekunden, daß eine Akademie in Zora errichtet oder eingerichtet werden möge, wie wir in Hoi-Cho schon seit dem 6. Pluvia im 2. Zyklus 2571 (OOC: 7. Jänner 2013) bei unseren Versammlungen überlegt haben.

b) ich sprach an, daß ich den Dynastiekreis darüber befragt hatte, welche öffentlichen / offiziellen Einrichtungen im Dschungel existieren und welche Ansprechpartner es dafür jeweils gäbe.

c) ich fragte die Repräsentanten von Min-Cho und Jen-Lai, ob sie etwas über die Begräbnisriten der Zorai wüßten und erwähnte, daß bezüglich der friedhofsartigen Stätten der Dynastiekreis befragt wurde

d) ich schlug ein offizielles Gesetz gegen die Handhabung mit Goo vor und präsentierte einen Entwurf für den möglichen Gesetzestext

The Theocracy of the Zoraï hereby forbids the production, use, unauthorized possession, import, export, trading/transfer, advertising/offering as well as non-reporting the knowledge of such illegal deeds of all kinds of objects, item-parts, fillings or components and the like, that are mixed, filled or processed with Goo of any kind in the Witherings.

Especially weapons and munition made with or from Goo are striktly forbidden, as well as any kinds of drugs made of Goo. Any counteracting will lead to a court proceedings and will be punished severely. Any findings of Goo-polluted objects, item-parts or the like (especially weapons and ammunition) in the Witherings has to be reported to the officials of the cities of amber as quickly as possible. Trusted scholars can ask for an official permission to scientifically research Goo and will be advised to use utmost caution; not least because of the danger of Goo for their own body and mind.

It is not forbidden to harvest Goo of any kind to destroy it, but on the contrary: this is very welcome and we encourage every homin to do so as often as possible. Goo and Goo-polluted materials should otherwise be delivered to officials in the cities of amber and not be used to produce items like equipment nor weapons. Dealing with such materials to make profite is definitely forbidden.

The Theocracy of the Zoraï wants to remind all Zoraï and Initiates that the most respected Kami have chosen us to fight against the Goo. Please remember this duty as often as you can and let the officials of the cities of amber know if you hear of dealings with Goo wherever on Atys. Thank you.

(OOC: please note that the handling of Goo-mission-materials and even Goo-polluted animal-loot is not forbidden RP-wise. Some Goo-polluted loot might be used for crafting - since the products are not specifically labelled as Goo-polluted, you won't have to fear of getting "in conflict with the law")


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