[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

Daomei (atys)
Ok, the argument is not that they are too hard. Pei-Ruz is clearly harder than Dante yet spawning more often. Anyway both have spawn limits, and the point of that obviously is not to flood the planet with armours far above that what may be crafted.

You can get a full set of pei ruz in a day... This has the opportunity to flood the market with armors far above what may be crafted but it hasn't.
Daomei (atys)
As to doing 469 pvp kills: I did thousands, probably far above ten thousand of Najab, Horncher, Cuttler, Jugula, and Kincher kills (247-255 lvls) for my ridiculous four masters in magic and melee. And it seems to be steadily avoided to comment on the possibility of arranged PvP fights, of PvP point grind. So far there was no point to do so, as long as no PvP merchant did exist. If it were possible to get a full set of overboosted armor by it, it would take some 10-20hrs to do the 500 kills for.

Killing najabs is easy. Killing other PvP players isn't so easy. As casy has pointed out the "grind" you are referring to is illegal and I should expect your armor would be stripped off you- great way to waste 20hours.
Daomei (atys)
Getting the mats for a "normal" parry 2 optimal heavy armor takes weeks of boss hunting and sup digging, even longer for a white one.

Ask yourself how long it would take to kill469 maruders? Bear in mind you may gank one but more spawn in- which means you need a team also. Then you and your team have to be effective in your tatics enough to kill them in the first place. This isn't 469 mobs which just keel over a die after a few nukes.
Daomei (atys)
Then, any crafter given that item and having learnt the plan could craft faction armour. This would give factions stuff for identification and would not break the crafting system.

Once again reverting back to crafters. If you are so keen on every single item coming from crafters let PvPers loot the people they killed- that will increase the demand for crafted items once all our bags are nicely stocked up with your items. (As if that would happen- but that is the only other alternative to a bit of independence- what would you rather have?)



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