[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

Yes I consider dante and pei easy enough now- but I loved them to death when i first started doing them and still enjoy them currently.

I personally don't think the new ideas would affect crafting at all. NPC bosses aren't a new thing- they have been around for at least 2 years and crafting is still in high demand- the game couldn't function without crafters. I do not believe 2 additional LA NPC bosses will change that.

As for the idea of PvP reward gear- The stats I would like would differ on the price of the item.

For example you could have kami/kara/maru gear at 20k a piece with the current stats it already has. You could also have kami/kara/maru gear with stats equal to the reckless LA for a price of 30k. I do not for one second believe this would mean everyone would drop their pics and go running for an axe however it might get more people to try PvP.

These stats are above what can be normally crafted, but I consider the effort and skill level that has to be put in to obtain them worth the reward. Being good at PvP requires a mix of the right tatics, skills and being able to react to situation at hand- I personally believe it to be the most demanding thing that ryzom has to offer.

To get a full set of the kami/kara/maru armor would require 150k PvP points. If you were to get max points per kill (which hardly ever happens) this means killing 469 people for a full set of armor which I actually believe is a bit too much.

So in short I dont think this introduction of more PvP rewards will affect crafting. Hope I answered your question?

EDIT 1: In terms of a time scale of acquiring points- A friend of mine who has been PvPing since the new year only has around 30k PvP points.



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NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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