[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

I never said it wouldn't take a while to acquire a set- I got 5 in a year or so before the merge. I said if you look at the equivalent of getting a single dante piece compared to the single kami/kara/maruder skirt that the dante piece is easier to get.

Also I didn't mention a team in terms of the odds because PvP points is exactly the same. Sure you can hide in the middle of the marauder camp and gank them when they walk in- but then 10 more port in at which point you need a team also- which reduces the points you get.

Usually the 2v2 fights I have last at least 5 minutes if not a lot more and if you want to even start killing tagged people you need to be with someone experienced or have good experience yourself.

I still stand firm in that dante is a lot easier to get than a PvP skirt- and has much better stats.



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NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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