[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

I fail to see how people can disagree PvP should be rewarded. It seems many people are driven to think this because they don't like it. I believe every skill on this game should have an equal reward for the time and effort that is put into it and this should be linked closely to real life.

Obviously the game designers agree that PvP should have its rewards otherwise PvP points would never have been implemented. Now we just need something worthwhile to spend them on. An odd skirt is no use to anyone and definitely overpriced for its stats at 42k (max points from a kill i believe is 320 and you can only get them from the same player every 5 minutes). This means at least 130 kills at its lowest, but probably over 260 for most players. This would take a huge amount of hours to do.

If you look at a PvE equivalent of getting decent armor look at dante. You kill him once, this takes 15-30minutes and isn't difficult and dante armor is better than the kami PvP skirt. (You may argue that the skirt is better but you don't wear LA for protection- you wear it for dodging/parrying and its 0 malus).

I wonder whats harder to get? Obviously the kami skirt with the poorer stats- this doesnt make sense. Oh and if anyone wants to argue the point that killing someone 260 times is easy lets not forget the people who would be open for fighting are the PvPers themselves and if you believe that to be an easy task come at me bro- i'll kill you in my tighty whities.



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NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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