[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

Ok I try to pull together what my concern is:
Virg (atys)
The crafters have plenty of fun and have plenty to do. Currently the PVPers have next to nothing. A balance is needed.
But later:
Imagine a duel of two AoDs, with one of them equipped with sup zun amps and boss jewels and another one, equipped with gear of excellent grade or even choice. I won't bet a single dapper on the second guy. ... the mandatory need to spend weeks (or more like months) on repetitive PvE for a hour of PvP doesn't help here at all

There lays the crux in my initial point. You basically ask for a short cut for players who do not want the digging/crafting bit. We do have an ingame economy and when taking away the "existance" of players producing items, then you kind of kill the game, don't you think?
Why not empowering the diggers/crafters und thus increasing the economic flow of things?
Currently most crafters only do standard stuff for leveling... the things you love to get good at PvP, but beyond that?

Let me pose it differently for you to be able to prove me wrong:
Sirgio armor = +1 dodge +4 parry 60% 532 protec q200 +150hp/50stam
Please can you find me an equivalent armour on the same quality with "easy mats" (hence only excelent or choice)? Is that possible?
Reason for that, excelent mats are easier to obtain, hence if an armour is possible on loot/dig mats then crafting is superior and PvP players need a balance for the current system.

Alternative question if required:
What minimum quality of mats (supreme?), what minimum quality of craft item (q230?) with what tool (OP-tool?) would create a similar outcome based on stats for an armour?

You may want to compare amounts of mats, crafting procedures and time against the purchase of PvP armour (probably based on kills) and the killing of NPCs.

Jsu curious :-)
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