[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

Daomei (atys)
That the product may be q10 does not help a lot. I tested with a smaller char from my account, she needed longer to collect a set of 4/4 q10 water carrier certs in Fairhaven (16min) than me for 4/4 q60 ones in Loria (11min). To get 35 products it needs nearly 2 occs with 100% recipe, so let us say, 25-30minutes, additionally 10-15 minutes to hand the stuff over to the transporter, maybe doing a teleport or two to get free slots.

How long does it take to do a kill in case the purpose is winning fp? Don't tell there is no collusion, and all fp are won in hard, long, fair fights of peers. I am, btw., not familiar with the rules to attribute PvP points, yet I heard that if the faction-fame constellation fits, even a kill of a 200 lvls weaker foe does count as long as she is tagged. Is that true?

No, not true. Ryzom calculates levels of both in some obscure way. If the dead guy's levels are about 30 below the living guy's he gets nothing. If the dead guy's level are way above the living one gets a bonus (already factored in my 320pts, base is 160).

The big difference is in the preparation. While you need good gear and many masters to successfully kill people (i dont gank) and only the last hit results in points (bad for teams), the faction points stuff can be easily done by anyone. Getting an alt ready to do faction points takes one or two weeks of casual daily play (and it will automatically gain 99 fame quickly if you complete the easy civ rite). Doing 10 counting kills each day is impossible imo (roots and op pvp does not count).


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
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