[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

Tumbleweed: That attempt of a comparison is illogical and futile. Nobody forces a crafter to dig, to fight or to do magic. Nobody forces a fighter or hunter, be she PvE or PvP, to dig, craft, or explore. And nobody forces a PvP only player to do any digging, crafting, scouting, or hunting.

Granted everybody starting with such "only" scheme will fail. We often have new players asking whether they have to learn digging, crafting and {magic | fight} in Silan, though they only intend to be a mage/fighter. Most of them learn soon that this game is different under this respect, some leaving, some staying.

A "crafter only" will need somebody to carry the mats, and may have trouble to find such. She will as well need armor, jewels, and weapons as well. Inside guilds some cooperation and division of labor is sensible and may take place as not everybody wants to master all ecos or crafting skills, some not even a single one. And sure, specialist mages, melee, and ranged fighters have their place there as well. But a digger will have a hard time when having no fight branch up, especially in high level regions, not to speak about magic and fighting abilities and their interdependencies. That is not a flaw but a general characteristic of the game. Why should PvP players be exempt from unless they are locked up in their ghetto like in GW1?

What you call "PvE rewards" are rewards for all, not for PvE players only. What you asking for are exclusive privileges for PvP players breaking the principle of Ryzom that all parts of the game are interconnected and have
to cooperate. What you are asking for, is, in other words, a PvP class breaking the principle of a classless game. And additionally, they would always be able to use these privileges in PvE as well.

The role of PvP is not such a small one in Ryzom. Of the foraged superior materials are under control of PvP gameplay
- 100.0% of q150
- 066.6% of q200 (075.0% if Nexus will be up again)
- 050.0% of q250.
In addition, it is 100% of OP materials.

That means that all non PvP players who want access to that body of materials have to cooperate with PvP players. I do not see that PvP players are in any way worse off than diggers or crafters.

Btw., I had a look to the q250 PvP pants offered for 42k faction points at PvP merchants. The stats are impressive, compared to Dante: hp/sap (120/120 vs 100/100), only dodge (2 vs. 3) worse, Prot: 33% vs. 25%, 336 vs. 224. A complete set would probably pose a balance problem.

Ok, what Casy wrote about the bug in the fame based faction identification should be fixed soon, out of the question. Beneath that, I don't find a 320fp/kill that bad, compared to the 50-200fp for a basic occupation product at the NH transporter. That one is limited to 35mats/day, and once the bug allowing 99% civ fame for non-citizens will be gone, that means that daily gain will be capped to 1750fp/day for neutrals while remaining at 7000fp/day for full famed citizens only.

That the product may be q10 does not help a lot. I tested with a smaller char from my account, she needed longer to collect a set of 4/4 q10 water carrier certs in Fairhaven (16min) than me for 4/4 q60 ones in Loria (11min). To get 35 products it needs nearly 2 occs with 100% recipe, so let us say, 25-30minutes, additionally 10-15 minutes to hand the stuff over to the transporter, maybe doing a teleport or two to get free slots.

How long does it take to do a kill in case the purpose is winning fp? Don't tell there is no collusion, and all fp are won in hard, long, fair fights of peers. I am, btw., not familiar with the rules to attribute PvP points, yet I heard that if the faction-fame constellation fits, even a kill of a 200 lvls weaker foe does count as long as she is tagged. Is that true?


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